aplicaTec Pintura Anticarbonatación

Paint for the protection of concrete against carbonation.

CE marking according to EN-1504-2 (Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures)

aplicaTec Pintura Anticarbonatación
How to use

1. Shake the product beforehand until completely homogeneous.
2. The application can be done by brush, roller or spray gun.
3. It is recommended to apply the product in two coats to achieve better waterproofing. The first coat diluting the paint with approximately 15-20% water. In the second, the product must be applied pure or diluted with 5-10% water. Apply the second coat perpendicular to the first to achieve optimal opacity.

Precautions and recommendations

• It is not recommended to paint in rainy weather o rduring the hottest hours of the day.
• The minimum temperature of the support must be +8ºC and the maximum of +35ºC. • Preserve the containers from extreme temperatures, direct exposure to the sun and
• The cleaning of the utensils or tools will be carried out with clean water immediately
after use. Once hardened, the material can only be removed by mechanical means.
• Dispose of waste at an authorized collection point.
• Conservation: 12 months in its well-closed original container and stored in a cool, dry place.


Aplicatec Pintura Anticarbonatación is presented in 15 liters plastic containers.


The surfaces to be painted must be resistant, flat, clean, dry, free of dust, grease, saltpeter, efflorescence, remains of paint, mold, algae, etc. On new concrete and mortar surfaces, wait until they have completely set and dried. If necessary, use Aplicatec Reparación Fino R3 PCC as a pore sealer, and allow a curing time of at least 4 days before painting. Old surfaces must have an average adhesion >1.0 N/mm2. On surfaces that have already been painted, make sure that the previous paint is in good condition and well adhered.


Excellent protection against carbonation of mortar or reinforced concrete surfaces, due to its high resistance to CO2 diffusion. Protection of reinforced concrete in aggressive and humid environments. Protective and decorative coating of concrete structures repaired with the range of Aplicatec Repair mortars. Aesthetic finish of facades and concrete elements.


The recommendations for use are based on our knowledge and experience. The technical data have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions, and may vary depending on the conditions of use. Since the application conditions are not controllable on our part, the information on this sheet does not imply responsibility of the company.


Declaraciones Medioambientales

Concienciados con el medioambiente