AplicaTec Reparación Grueso R4 PCC
One-component, cement-based mortar with siliceous aggregates with coarse grain size, synthetic resins and fibre-reinforced.
CE marking R4 class for PCC according to EN-1504-3 (Products for the protection and repair of concrete structures)

AplicaTec Reparación Grueso R4 PCC
1 Gradually add mortar to the mixing water (3,1 litres per 25 kg bag).
2 Mix mechanically with clean water at low rpm until you obtain a smooth, lump-free paste
• Do not apply the product at temperatures below 5 oC or above 35 oC.
• Do not apply when frost or rain are forecasted.
• Absorbent surfaces should be saturated with water before the product is applied. Make sure that no puddles form on the surface.
• For thicknesses below 25 mm use aplicaTec Reparación R4 PCC.
• This product is ready to mix with water. Do not add any kind of additional substance which may alter its properties. • Under unfavourable conditions, the surface must be cured for at least 24 hours after the product has been applied.
• We recommend wearing rubber gloves when handling this cementitious based product.
• All tools must be washed immediately after use. If the product is allowed to dry, it will only be possible to remove it by mechanical means.
- Elevadas resistencias mecánicas iniciales y finales.
- Elevado módulo de elasticidad para la transferencia de cargas.
- Retracción compensada.
- Resistente a la carbonatación.
- Exento de cloruros.
- Bajo contenido en cromatos.
- Protección del armado frente a la corrosión.
- Resistente a ciclos de hielo-deshielo.
- Alta adherencia sin el empleo de imprimación.
- Muy baja permeabilidad.
- Permeable al vapor de agua.
- Superfi cie lista para pintar.
- Válido tanto en superfi cies verticales como horizontales.
- Válido tanto en interior como en exterior.
- Válido para aplicación con llana o mediante proyección.
• aplicaTec Reparación Grueso R4 PCC is part of a repair system comprising: • aplicaTec Armaduras: Anti-corrosion primer
• aplicaTec Reparación Grueso R4 PCC:
Structural repair mortar for thick layer
• aplicaTec Reparación Fino R3 PCC / aplicaTec Cosmético Claro R2 PCC:
Levelling and pore sealing mortar
aplicaTec Reparación Grueso R4 PCC is available in 25 kg paper bags with moisture-proof plastic lining, dispatched on shrink-wrapped pallets weighing a total of 1,000 kg (40 bags).
Storage: up to 12 months after manufacturing date in suitable temperature and humidity con
• The application surface must be prepared before using manual or mechanical chopped to remove all the deteriorated concrete.
• The surfaces must be clean, sound and free from oils, grease, paint, dust, cement grouts, etc.
• Metal elements such as steel rebars must be free from rust.
• Remove the concrete from the back of the steel rebars.
• Cut the ends of the repair to ensure a minimum application thickness of 25 mm.
• Absorbent surfaces should be saturated with water before the product is applied. Make sure that no puddles form on the surface.
• Structural integrity repair of reinforced concrete. • Filling gaps, cracks, chips, corners of pillars...
• Levelling out concrete and mortar surfaces.
• Grouting of precast.
• Suitable for repair work according to principle 3, method 3.1 and 3.3, for structural reinforcement work according to principle 4, method 4.4 and for preserving and restoring passivity according to principle 7, method 7.1 of the UNE-EN 1504-9.
The recommendations for use are based on our own knowledge and experience. The technical data provided have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions, and may therefore vary according to the environmental conditions in the place where the product is used. As the application conditions are beyond our control, the information provided here does not imply that the company accepts responsibility for any variations.
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