aplicaTec Revestimiento Impermeabilizante PCC
Two-component waterproofing mortar made of cement, siliceous aggregate, synthetic resins and additives.
CE marking according to EN-1504-2 (Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures).
aplicaTec Revestimiento Impermeabilizante PCC
- Shake the liquid component before using. Gradually add the mortar on the liquid component until the desired consistency is achieved.
• Application by brush: A:B = 1:4 (by weight)
• Application by trowel: A:B = 1:4,5 (by weight) - Mix mechanically with clean water at low rpm to obtain a smooth, lump-free paste.
- Always apply two coats with a total thickness of 2 mm to obtain a waterproofing surface
- Once the first coat has hardened (6 hours at 20 ºC), apply the second coat in perpendicular direction to the first one.
- For brush applications, we recommend using a bristle brush. Brush in the same direction.
- Wait a minimum curing time of 7 days before painting.
aplicaTec Revestimiento Impermeabilizante PCC is part of a repair system which includes:
- aplicaTec Armaduras: Anticorrosive primer.
- aplicaTec Reparación R4 PCC / aplicaTec Reparación Fluido R4 PCC: Mortar for structural repair.
- aplicaTec Reparación Fino R3 PCC / aplicaTec Cosmético Claro R2 PCC: Leveling and pore sealant mortar.
- aplicaTec Waterproofing Coating: Semi-flexible, waterproofing mortar for concrete surface protection.
- Do not apply at temperatures below 5 ºC or above 35°C.
- Additional water is not required as a pre-dosed mortar.
- Do not apply this product when frost or rain are forecasted.
- Never add water to a mortar which has lost the
- workability. It will lose its properties.
- In critical conditions, surfaces must be cured for at least 24 hours after the product has been applied.
- Apply the product on the positive side when possible, that is the one that receives the water pressure.
- Efflorescence can occur in rainy and humid weather. This does not affect the quality of the product.
- It is not a walkable coating.
- Protect it from direct sunlight and/or wind.
- aplicaTec Revestimiento Impermeabilizante PCC can be painted by solvent-based paints. The curing time for applying paint is 7 days.
- We recommend wearing rubber gloves when handling this cement-based product.
- All tools must be washed immediately after use. If the product is allowed to dry, it will only be possible to remove it by mechanical means.
- Waterproof (Class III (W3): Low permeability according to Standard UNE-EN 1062-3).
- High permeability to water vapor (Class I according to Standard UNE-EN-ISO 7783-2).
- Low permeability to CO2 (Class C1 according to Standard UNE-EN-1062-6).
- Excellent adhesion.
- Application by brush, trowel or mechanical spray.
- For indoor and outdoor use.
- Repaintable.
- Approved for contact with drinking water according to Royal Decree 140/2003.
- Manufactured with raw materials included in the positive lists of permitted substances for the manufacture of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with drinking water (Royal Decree 118/2003 BOE of 11/02/03).
aplicaTec Revestimiento Impermeabilizante PCC is available in pre-measured batches of 25 kg (20 kg bag and 5 kg plastic bottle).
Storage: up to 12 months after manufacturing date in suitable temperature and humidity conditions. The liquid component must be protected against frost.
- The application surface must be prepared before applications using manual or mechanical tools to remove all the deteriorated concrete.
- The application surface must be clean, sound and free from oils, grease, paint, dust, cement grouts, bituminous waste, etc.
- Tensile strength must be > 1 N/mm².
- The application surface must be textured to ensure adhesion.
- If necessary, we recommend repairing the application surface 24 hours before applying the product using a repair mortar of the aplicaTec range.
- Absorbent surfaces should be saturated with water before the product is applied. Make sure that no puddles are formed on the surface.
- Semi-flexible waterproofing mortar for concrete structures, mortar surfaces, brickwork, blockwork…
- Interior waterproofing mortar for drinking water tanks and swimming pools.
- Waterproofing of foundations, pits, slabs, walls and tunnels.
- Basement and underground car parks waterproofing.
- Waterproofing of balconies and terraces.
- Leveling mortar for concrete repair works.
- Pore/blowhole filling.
- Sealing thin “hairline” cracks in concrete structures.
- Protection against freeze-thaw cycles.
- Suitable for surface protection works according to principle 1, protection against ingress (method 1.3); principle 2, moisture control (method 2.2) and principle 8, increasing resistivity (method 8.2) of Standard UNE-EN 1504-9.
The recommendations for use are based on our own knowledge and experience. The technical data provided have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions, and may therefore vary according to the environmental conditions in the place where the product is used. As the application conditions are beyond our control, the information provided here does not imply that the company accepts responsibility for any variations.
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Concienciados con el medioambiente