Capa Autonivelante 50


• Self levelling
• Thicknesses from 20 to 50 mm
• Manual and Machine Application
• Fiber reinforced
• Exterior and Interior Application

Capa Autonivelante 50
How to use

1. Gradually add the mortar to the mixing water.
2. Mechanically knead for 3 minutes at high speed with clean water until a fluid and homogeneous paste is obtained.
3. Let stand for about 2 minutes and mix again briefly.
4. Pour the product on the surface, spreading it with the help of a trowel or scraper.
5. If a second coat is required, it can be applied after 24 hours.

Warnings and recommendations

• Do not apply at temperatures below 5ºC or above 35ºC.
• This product is ready to mix with water, do not add any kind of additive that could alter its properties.
• Respect expansion joints
• Not recommended for thicknesses less than 2 cm
• It is compatible with the adhesives normally used for this type of floor covering.
• In exterior pavements, curing is necessary for at least 24 hours after application.
• Do not apply on metal surfaces
• Do not apply directly on anhydrite floors
• Do not apply on supports subject to bending
• For the placement of light pavement, prior sanding is recommended
• As it is a cementitious product, the use of rubber gloves is recommended
• The tools and supplies will be cleaned with water immediately after use, if the product hardens they can only be removed by mechanical means.

EPS expansive tape must be placed at the perimeter level, in encounters with walls and partitions, as well as with pillars. The minimum thickness of the expansive tape will be 15mm.



CAPA AUTONIVELANTE 50 is presented in 25 kg paper bags with anti-humidity plastic sheeting, shipped on 1,050 kg (42 bags) pallets.
Conservation: 12 months from the date of manufacture of the product in adequate conditions of temperature and humidity.


• The surfaces must be hardened, dust free, healthy, free of oil, grease, paint and plaster residues.
• The surfaces must be mechanically prepared to achieve an open pore surface.
• Fill holes and hollows the day before.
• The absorbent surfaces will be moistened beforehand.
• Prior to applying the self-levelling product, we must use our primer APLICA LEVEL PRIMER.


Leveling and insulating concrete and mortar surfaces.
Increased surfaces.
It can be covered with ceramic, natural stone, light paving, epoxy paving, laminated flooring, parquet, etc.
For other finishes consult the Technical Department.


The recommendations for use are based on our knowledge and experience. The technical data have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions, and may vary depending on the conditions of use. Since the application conditions are not controllable on our part, the information in this sheet does not imply responsibility of the company.


Declaraciones Medioambientales

Concienciados con el medioambiente