Capacem Rapid

Single-component mortar with a special fast-setting cement base, siliceous sands and organic additives.

Capacem Rapid
Capacem Rapid
Instructions for use

  1. Add one part water to 6 parts Capacem Rapid and mix manually until it becomes a uniform mixture.Only mix in the material that you are going to use.
  2. Place the mortar immediately after mixing, as its setting time is short.
  3. For fixings there must be a clearance of 1.5 cm between the borer and the piece that will be fixed.
Technical features

  • Bases must be clean, in good condition, free from oils, greases, hollow parts or poorly attached parts.
  • Metallic elements such as reinforcements must be rustfree.
  • Absorbent bases mAplust be dampened until saturation, avoiding waterlogging.
Available formats

Capacem Rapid is sold in 20 Kg paper sacks with plastic anti-humidity sheets, in pellets of 1,280Kg(64sacks).Storage: 9 months in its original sealed packaging from the date of manufacturing the products, in suitable conditions of temperature and humidity.

  • Travaux de maçonnerienécessitant uneéxecution rapide.
Warnings and recommendations
  • Do not use the product at temperatures below 5ºCor above35ºC.
  • This product is ready to be mixed with water, do not add any kind of additive that may alter its properties.
  • As it is a cement based product, the use of rubber gloves is recommended.
  • Do not mix with plaster or other products that contain it.
  • Tools and supplies must be cleaned with water immediately after using, if the product hardens they can only be eliminated mechanically.

The recommendations for use are based on our own knowledge and experience. The technical data provided have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions, and may therefore vary according to the environmental conditions in the place where the product is used. As the application conditions are beyond our control, the information provided here does not imply that the company accepts responsibility for any variations.


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