Concrete Repair

Technical mortar for cosmetic repairs and leveling of concrete surfaces.

One-component coating based on cement, corrosion-inhibiting additives to protect the steel, synthetic resins and silica fume.

Fast-setting, one-component, non-shrinkage structural repair mortar.

Fibre-reinforced single-component mortar made of cement, siliceous aggregate and synthetic resins.

CE marking R4 class for PCC according to EN-1504-3 (Products for the protection and repair of concrete structures).

Fibre-reinforced single-component mortar made of cement, siliceous aggregate and synthetic resins.

Single-component mortar made of sulful-resistant cement, siliceous aggregate and synthetic resins.

Sulphur-resistant cement based single-component mortar, Reinforcement corrosion inhibitors, siliceous sands, fibre-reinforced and synthetic resins.

Single-component mortar made of pale color cements, siliceous aggregates and synthetic resins.

Two-component epoxy adhesive composed of high quality resins, quartz aggregates and special additives that give it high final performance.

Water-based waterproofing acrylic coating to protect concrete against carbonation.

Heat-welded galvanized steel fiber mesh to combine with our APLICATEC REPARACIÓN range of repair mortars.