aplica Prompt

Flash set single-component mortar made of special cements, siliceous aggregate and organic additives.
This product is capable of acquiring high mechanical strength in a short time interval.

aplica Prompt
aplica Prompt
Instructions for use

  1. Add five parts of aplica Prompt to one part of water and mix manually wearing rubber gloves (the speed of the set means that it is impossible to mix mechanically) until you obtain a smooth, lump-free paste. Mix only mortar required to be used.
  2. Apply mortar as soon as you have mixed it, as it sets very quickly.
  3. When anchoring objects, there should be clearance of at least 1.5 cm between the hole and the object that is going to be anchored.
Warnings and recommendations
  • Do not apply at temperatures below 5ºC or above 35ºC.
  • This product is ready to mix with water.
  • Do not add any kind of additional substance which may alter its properties.
  • We recommend wearing rubber gloves when handling this cement-like product.
  • Do not mix with plaster or with other products containing it.
  • All tools must be washed immediately after use. If the product gets dry, it will only be possible to remove it by mechanical means.
Technical features

Available formats

aplica Prompt is available in 25 kg paper sacks with moisture-proof plastic lining, dispatched on shrinkwrapped pallets weighing a total of 1,000 kg (40 sacks).

Storage: 9 months from manufacturing date in original, sealed packaging in suitable temperature and humidity conditions.

Application surfaces
  • The application surfaces must be clean, sane and free from oils, grease, and hollow or poorly-adhered sections.
  • Metal elements such as reinforcement bars must be free from rust.
    When applying for preventative purposes, absorbent surfaces should be saturated with water before the product is applied. Make sure that no puddles form on the surface.
  • Fijaciones rápidas de marcos, rejas, sanitarios, patillas de anclaje, etc.
  • Colocación de drenajes y desagües.
  • Colocación de dinteles en puertas y ventanas.
  • Reparación de suelos y aristas.
  • Quick anchoring of frames, trash racks, bathroom fittings, anchor pins, etc.
  • Placement of drains and sewers.
  • Placing lintels over doors and windows.
  • Floor and edge repair.

The recommendations for use are based on our own knowledge and experience. The technical data provided have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions, and may therefore vary according to the environmental conditions in the place where the product is used. As the application conditions are beyond our control, the information provided here does not imply that the company accepts responsibility for any variations.


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