Stretchable (>600%) 100% pure polyurea membrane for waterproofing and protection
• Pure polyurea with very high elongation
• Valid for supports with structural movements
• Total waterproofing
AplicaPROOF PUA P EL is a dual-component sprayable aromatic coating, suitable for waterproofing, protection and sealing. It is composed of two highly reactive liquid components, isocyanates and amines, which are mixed using our specific spraying equipment, to form a solid, continuous, watertight and waterproof pure polyurea membrane, without joints or overlaps, of high density and high stretchability, with high mechanical qualities, specially designed to be applied on elements with structural

For the waterproofing and protection of:
• Metal roofing (zinc, copper, pre-lacquered) and fibre cement.
• Civil engineering construction elements (bridge structures, concrete slabs, retaining walls and foundations)
• Elements or surfaces that may have high expansion movements due to temperature and/or structural differentials.
• Pitched or flat roofs of corrugated fibre cement, asbestos or similar.
• Protection of polyurethane foam thermal insulation systems.
Metal drums of 225 kg each (Component A: isocyanates and Component B: amines).
These safety recommendations during handling are necessary during the execution process, as well as in the processes before and after the execution in situations of exposure to machinery under load.
• Respiratory protection: When handling in aerosol form, an approved air-purifying respirator must be worn.
• Skin Protection: Wear rubber gloves. Remove immediately after contamination. Wear clean clothes that cover the whole body. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after work and before eating, drinking or smoking. Contaminated clothing should be washed and/or dry cleaned.
• Eye/face protection: Wear safety goggles to avoid splashing and exposure to spray mist.
• Waste: Waste generation shall be avoided or minimised. Incinerate under controlled conditions in accordance with local and national laws and regulations.
• In any case, please refer to the existing product safety data sheets, which are publicly available.
For formation, it is necessary to mix the two initial liquid components, isocyanates and amines/polyols, by means of the spraying equipment (proper maintenance and cleaning of the spraying equipment is recommended).
The most general parameters of this equipment shall be the following:
• Isocyanate heater temperature: 78-80ºC
• Amine heater temperature: 65-70ºC
• Hose temperature: ±70ºC
• Operating pressure: 2,500-3,000 psi
• Recommended mixing chamber: use mechanical purge chamber.
These temperature and pressure parameters must be assessed, ratified or slightly varied by the application agent, depending on the conditions of each climatic zone, climatic situation or according to the specifications of the spraying equipment.
The recommendations for use are based on our knowledge and experience. The technical data have been obtained under normal laboratory conditions and may vary depending on the conditions of installation. As the conditions of application are beyond our control, the information in this sheet does not imply any liability on the part of the company.
Declaraciones Medioambientales
Concienciados con el medioambiente